Kudos to Ajay K Pandey to pour his heart out to the story which seems very common very simple still he take it to one step above with his honest and simple narration. May be that's possible because he lives through those moments with his beloved wife Bhavna.
The book starts with a common plot of a college life where a simple guy( Ajay) fell in love with a girl( Bhavna) and how the guy eventually wins the heart of the girl and they become a couple.
After the college phase then comes phase of the Bhramin guy want to get married to Kayastha girl and how they get the approval of their family for their marriage. Upto this nothing is new and readers might start feeling bore but you need to bear some more chapters and the story starts taking a shape where Bhavna, wife of the main protagonist suffer with a critical dengue disease and she need to be hospitalized. From here Ajay starts opening up and the story get intense. Some of the paragraph was so touching that I couldn't hold my tears.
So as debutant writer Ajay surely shines with high star for the grieving climax.