Aug 01, 2009 01:47 PM
(Updated Aug 07, 2009 11:27 PM)
Finally, after a year of its launch, I got to test ride this babes of one of my uncle's fren. He was kind enough to give it to me to analyze the cons and pros before I buy it for myself. Luckily, the new graphics color are on my cards. This time yamaha have corrected lots of flaws seen in their previous bike. One of the notable point is its new Radiator (the old one had leakage problems)..
Well, I got to test ride this bike for 3 hours and I drove it in city... highway... ring road.. uphill... downhill... stretch road.. absolutely perfect as cheese topping to extract the every bits out of this babes running a 150cc mill engine. The first thing that excited me when I saw it through internet , the pics on display at Auto Expo was it looks and only looks. Boy oh! Boy! it impressed me... even though its now 1 year old.. I could see smoke fuming out of the guys on other bikes.
I put on the key, touch the self start, and there she was alive without hesitation. Now before I begin, here's the scenario, R15 is the first bike of its kind that I have ridden for its aggressive sitting position. So initially, I had difficulty adjusting to its sitting position, but after riding it for 2 kms I could adjust to it. I had a pillion on board (my fren) and he weighs around 79kgs.
What I felt was that I failed to take out its grudge from the bike may be for a reason I had such a heavy person as an pillion. I weigh 58 kgs only and my height is 5'08''. The bike was not behaving the way I expected. It was like riding just another 150cc bike. The max speed I could take this bike with pillion on board was just 85Kph, it doesn't mean that its the Top speed. There were traffics on the road and before I take her to the speed of even 60kph, I had to brake... One of the other best thing that I liked about this bike was its braking. It was drizzling at that time and even the roads were wet, it braked absolutely perfect... thanks to the brake and also to its sticky MRF Tyres.
I told my fren to stay back and let me find out what it "really" means to ride it without pillion rider. I was much amazed to find such a difference with and without pillion. The acceleration of this bike is just amazing.. I think it took less than 5 secs t reach 65kph. This bike behaves very smoothly when it is around 4000-5000 rpm. The handling of this bike is just amazing.. I could lean her to around 45-50 degree at an ease. In the crowded road too, I could ride this bike without any hesitation and around the corners sometimes even I felt like rossi...
The gear lever is at an awkward position. If I get my bike I will adjust it to shift the gear levers towards more downwards so that I don't have the trouble and the pain to move my legs high up while shifting. Though I didn't have any trouble with the brake lever. My uncle was right coz he told me that it will take time to adjusting to its ride position. I had a bit of pain in my wrists in the initial riding.. but it started vanishing as I became more familiar with the ride.The other reason why I felt the pain was I had a 79KG pillion beside me..
One advise if you can maintain this bike in the long run, just go for it. As I can see that if this bike falls sideways even though its not a big accident.. be sure to pay in 5 figures sum for the repair. I heard the brake pad are costly too. Well I don't really know about the mileage coz I took it for 3 hours only so haven't had the time to measure it. I think I completed 40-50 km in that 3 hrs time constraint..
And still the fuel level was indicating full. I stopped at one of the petrol pumps to refill her, and found that it was up to the brim. I manage to keep 1 lt petrol in its belly as I had ridden it for 40-50 kms and top of that it was my uncle's fren bike so I had to be generous. So I expect a mileage of around 40kmpl overall.. which is a very decent to know about. Dont know exactly how it behaves in the long run coz maximum duration that I will be riding this bike is for 1 to 18 months. Definitely needs lot of maintenance. Overall.. the bike is awesome... now the new racing colors are out.. I am very excited soon to get a hand on it...
Cheerios... ride safe.. till then... and don't forget to rip when someone tries to race or drag with you... I will soon be a proud owner of the fastest Indo Japanese bike.. Catch me if you really can :)