Jan 11, 2016 09:30 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jan 11, 2016 09:30 PM)
The new latest and best bike is yamaha fascino. It has 5 litre fuel tank. It gives 66kms/litre on highway and 45kms/litre in city.
It is more comfortable and very good and better than other sooty in performance. It can be used by both male and female.
The yamaha is best company to trust in bikes and automatic bikes. few years below yamaha launched ray which is very good and I m using from 9 months. fascination is also good and I like it.
Fascino can be easily handled because of his small handle and body. It can easily be controlled because of advance braking system. the thing I like the most about fascino is the look. the yamaha gives different look which is more beautiful as compare to vespa and have low price compare to yamaha. there are new different colours available. Thank you.