Dec 17, 2017 11:42 AM
(via iOS App)
(Updated Dec 17, 2017 11:39 AM)
Hi today I am share my personal experience in read me note 4 when I purchased this phone I get the news it how many megapixel in is in this phone like a DSLR camera but after I use this phone I realise that it is my fault so I decideI can contact the customer care of Geo me read me note 4.
now I'm talking about the sun sound quality of this phone it is not good it sounds like a simple buffer phone.
in other hand we can say that it's usually modified like as a simlple phone.
its feature where is short because in this phone I will not get the best feature Leica updated android version so we can say that it's not a value of money for my phone.
then I faced the problem in this phone Mike I call to call centre opens Yami read me note 4 but they did not resolve my problem.
Thank You.