Oct 23, 2016 10:20 PM
I was using the last generation Redmi Note and now I have the latest one i.e. Redmi Note 3. Both the phone feels similar however my new redmi note 3 has 2 GB ram and 8 gb rom. Initial days are quite good like charm. The software and hardware like its old generation. But for last couple of days I am facing problem of over heating and the phone is getting hanged. In one instance the phone got black out and the batter is getting so heated I have to keep the phone for a whole night out side our floor.
I am really feeling this is not a right decision to choose Xiaomi. They have built a robust UI but when it is failing there is no chance to remove the battery for easy resolve like its older generation.
My recommendation would be expect these problems and buy this budget phone with high end technology at limited budget.