Apr 14, 2004 02:11 PM
(Updated Apr 14, 2004 02:11 PM)
Least info abt bikes n biking...more abt stuff which hardly any of those members in India have... day dreaming site as I see it..
No club rules, dictatorship applies, anybody tries to justify is blocked/banned...
Just a well designed site to cover up all the crap inside...
LoL and yeah I was the only female member there and they had a problem with it as well!!!
I expected enthuastic guys on bikes who ride a lot across the beautiful country side... instead its just a bunch of day dreamers who sing songs abt sports bikes all day when the percentage of the guys who have superbikes and cars is hardly anythin, so far I had just met a guy who had a R1.
It would be better if they talk n flaunt what they have rather than dreamin abt stuff, and get into what that matters, biking!
The guys over there also suck, some novice riders who just commute to work, college everyday and call themselves bikers..
They put some decals on their bikes etc, some cosmetic stuff on bike, and boast as if they did a great technological feat on their bike... I guess they following their webmasters footsteps...
Hope I find a site what I am looking for not a kitty party site for heavens sake!