Jan 03, 2003 03:54 PM
(Updated Jan 03, 2003 03:55 PM)
Mouthshut, as it's name suggests to keep mouth shut is totally wrong with it's actual work.Partly correct, we have to keep our mouth shut and hands working to write a review.I came across this site accidently when I was surfing the net and I took membership of this beautiful site where I could give my opinion on anything present in this beautiful world.Where my opinion will matter!
Wrting reviews on MS is a great pleasure where you can write reviews without anybody's influence and pressure.A place where you can write your thoughts with full liberty and see what others think about your opinion.It's also a work of courage that what members think of your site, let it be bad or let it be good, it doesn't matter;for MS only it's members and their opinions matter, nothing else!
Reviews help you a lot to understand things better and before.Everything has it's pros and cons but seeing it with other's eyes is bit difficult and MS makes it lot easier.May be, what you have never thought is thought by some other member and you get to read it in a review.It doesn't help you in direct way but indirectly and slowly your thoghts change in a positive way and that helps you in beeter living and seeing life with a whole new different eye.Thoghts of other people, their opinions you get across with all that stuff that you would have never known if you weren't a MS member.
Sharing your thoughts and opinions with other people is really very exciting.The people you would have never met are now your friends, isn't that exciting?And moreover writing reviews improves your writing skills and you get to know about what others think of your reviews and writing skills.On the whole, this is completely a different world in which you enter by typing it's name.Isn't it haunting and exciting?