Apr 11, 2012 08:32 PM
As a loyal customer for over 30 years now, I regret to inform you that I have just experienced the most arrogant and even fraudulent customer service. Needless to say it has left a very bad taste and total disbelief in the brand. Here are the details:Whirlpool washing machine stops working exactly 2 months after the guarantee period is over customer service representative visits. Diagnoses faulty PCB. On asking him details of what in the PCB is faulty says he has no clue but the PCB will have to be replaced. Very surprisingly has a spare PCB in his bag handy!(Either it is common faulty part in Whirlpool washing machines OR irrespective of the fault he wants to change the PCB). Runs up a repair bill of Rs. 4000/-Within 4 hours of the customer service representative leaving, machine again stalls. We call the customer service and this time the customer service representative(Vishal Arun Pote), says the inlet valve is faulty.
We question him that why did he not find that 2 days ago when he came for repair. He says "I cannot say anything on that, if you want the machine to work then you will have to replace the inlet valve". More surprise, he is already carrying an inlet valve in his bag. I have to tell you that the bag he carries is rather small to be carrying all parts of the washing machine. So, like the PCB this may be a frequently deteriorating part of the washing machine OR that a good way for making money at customers expense devised by the service people.
Cost of repair Rs. 850/-. On asking him pointed question, he only had to say I cannot say anything. So basically a customer service representative has nothing to say to the customer except "please make you wallet lighter"What comes next either reflects grossly on the arrogance of the brand or the incompetence of the individual. He tells me when I refuse to pay that I can call the service leader if I have a problem. I tell the service leader either the diagnosis was wrong the first time or we have been given a faulty machine. The service leader(Prashant Gadekar) says he cannot say anything.
I said ask Whirlpool to give me a replacement machine. He says that can never ever happen. I say I will go to consumer court. He says I can do what I want to and that he does not care.The customer service representative also has the cheek to tell me that no matter how much I complain nothing will ever happen. He adds that a lot of customers keep complaining but no one ever cares. Plus he threatens me if I don't cough up the money, he will ensure that no future service is given to us.