May 31, 2016 06:37 PM
(Updated Jun 05, 2016 08:53 AM)
About Author: Author Om Swami is a yogi who lives in the foothills of Himalayas. He is a well-known author, mystic and Saint, he was a successful business tycoon before renunciation. He ran a mug million dollars software company. He is also the author of the best-selling "If Truth be Told" and "The Wellness Sense".
About Book: This book starts with a Upanishad's Sloka. This book contains Thirteen Chapters, all the chapters are full of wisdom and knowledge. The main perspective of this book is to leave with you new knowledge of depression and sadness.Author's style of writing and composition is unique and easy to understand. Even there are few pictures of yoga postures to explain everything beautifully. Ways of Cure of depression is also explained with few great method.
Material Inside: If you feel sad and empty or irritable or tearful for most of the day it means you are in the mood of depression .The symptoms of depression are written very clearly in this book. For example, if you will wake at 5,6 or maybe 7 AM, with the felling that you had only just fallen asleep. If you do not have to he somewhere, you could lie in bed for another 3 hours; too tired, too miserable. This is for sure a clear symptom of depression. Psychic imprints and your Mood Antidepressants, Mild depression and severe depression are explained in a unique way.
Poetry and Health: There are dozens of Poem in this book. Poems of few great poets like Rumi, Ghalib,Kabir, Lao - Tzu, John Milton, and Albert Einstein etc.One of the chapters is about Physical Healing which has brief details of Foods for Neurotransmitter like Dopamine, GABA, and Serotonin etc.
Quality and Quantity: There are 188 pages in this book and the price is Rs. 299. The book is easily available on every online shopping sites. Paper Quality is up to mark and back cover is also strong and durable. This book deserves Four Stars out of Five. Published by Harper Element in India in 2016.
Recommendation: I recommend this book to everyone and especially to depressed people, doctors, and students of Social Science's subjects.
Thanks for Reading.