Dec 02, 2015 04:31 PM
It is a non fictional book from a fictional writer. the renowned writer of young India CHETAN BHAGA.ITS NOT A NOVEL. Its a collection of Chetan's thought on various issues india and every indian is facing. feelings may be different like anger, frustration, anguish, sadness or hope but the question is same. WHY?
We are said to be the rest of the world and this makes us satisfied with what and how we are. but the truth is somewhat different. things in developed are for free and clear. the floe of the society is smooth. but here we are discussing about who is the main accused of the communal riots.hindus or muslims. we are not interested in correcting the faults. we don't want to change even for the better things to arrise.
but the young india wants a better tomorrow. where we are more free, more satisfied, paid more, better facilities but less corruption less violance. in all a better country