Aug 10, 2005 12:41 PM
(Updated Aug 10, 2005 12:41 PM)
War of the world is something a Stephen Spielberg fan should not miss! It’s a definite treat to the eye...the visual effects are amazing. Kept me hooked to the seat till the end.
The movie takes you on a ride with tom cruise and his family till the end. Have its scary moments, emotional moments and the rest being totally action packed with the visual effects a lil better than the lord of the rings trilogy. The movie is a little hard to understand if not properly listened to!
The ending however I felt was abrupt and a lil unsatisfactory. You are on your seat expecting for more.....and...... The movie is over!!!!!! That’s not done Mr. Spielberg but we will give you a second chance, after all you have given us the best movies we have seen in the past.
Have fun watching it. Choose a good theatre for the experience. Inox should do , what say folks?
A must see!
Hail Spielberg!!!!!!
p.s all those who think the movie isnt up to the mark has probably not understood the movie well.