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Earn £20 an hour
Nov 09, 2001 11:25 AM 4452 Views
(Updated Nov 09, 2001 11:25 AM)

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Visitor friendly is a site where you get paid for each survey you complete. But if you are expecting easy money think again! The rewards are not too bad, but you do have to work for it! You register on the site which involves filling in a form including: Your and address, E-mail address, Telephone number, how you access the Internet, employment details, and more.

Once enrolled you basically sit back and wait for your first mystery shop to come through the email! I waited a while before I was offered my first one. Now please bear in mind the quality of your review must be of very high quality, as the site states ‘they will reject reviews not up to standard”, which means no money for you. For instance: if they ask you “Why do you write on Mouthshut?” You may answer either of the following 1) For the money 2) For pleasure 3) For both. But in visitor friendly that would NOT be acceptable. You’d have to write a lot more detail, explaining fully what the attractions of writing for Mouthshut. There is not a minimum word contents but explanations need to be fully opened! However, luckily on the survey I did there were only a few questions that required an in depth answer. The rest were a matter of simply ticking in the box for your answer! However, it may sound easy, but I found it quite hard work. The company recommend that you print the questionnaire off, and use that to assess the web sites you will visit. (Great idea if you ask me). The survey that I completed was supposed to of took me 45 minutes. And the payment was to be £15 (Average £20 per hour). Now in essence this sounds great earning potential, but bear in mind that 1) you do not choose the regularity of your survey. Instead the company at their decretion issues them. 2) If the quality of you review fall below their acceptable standard you earn nothing. Back to my review work on the bank sites: I filled in the said questionnaire and sent accordingly, and sat back and waited. And waited. And waited. I never heard anything, and when I checked my account – no payment. My first review had been of a poor quality? I had £15 sitting in my account, and felt very proud that it was up to the expected quality. However, alas all is not well – oh no! During the time of waiting for my payment the company sent me TWO more surveys to complete. I ignored them, simply thinking what’s the point? I deleted the email, and wished I hadn’t when I realised payment had been made. My loss! My stupidity! So how do you get paid? Every month they pay you what is in your account as long as the minimum of £20. Amounts under £20 will be carried forward to the next month. So I’m still waiting… So who are visitor friendly? They are a company that deals with Internet ‘mystery shopping”.

Visitor Friendly was introduced in March 2000 by UK based SMC (Service Management Consultants). Clients go to them to get feedback on their web sites, for example how the customer care is, how the site looks, how easy is the site navigated etc? The company is based in Maidenhead Berkshire and has clients from companies in the UK, USA, Far East and South Africa. Some of the companies they have represented include: Powergen, Eastern Energy, Legal & General, & H J Heinz. Basically that’s about it, but although the money is good, you are expected to work for it. And don’t act too quickly to delete you emails, you never know when the next questionnaire is around the corner! Surveys range in payment from around £2.50 to what I got paid for this one. Depending on how long they think it will take you. I am hoping for my next survey soon, but who can tell? Maybe I’ll find the next one easier? So if you can write good quality information, answer some questions, and have the time and patients then this could be for you? One other thing worth pointing out is the length of time you have to do the surveys. I got my email on the Friday evening, and it had to be submitted by mid night on the Monday giving you just around 72 hours to complete fully. Thanks Dave.


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