Feb 09, 2010 05:56 PM
Looks like all reviews are describing the one off the case or misunderstanding about the management and school.
We are really happy to say that my daughter in class 5 improved a lot after moving her from other school in Brookfields. School teacher was so encouraging that she makes her happy in at least one of the aspect (like punctuality, or discipline etc) whenever she scores less marks in exams. This motivation use to boost her studies. I liked her approach.
We always see smiley face in staff (receptionist to class teacher) whenever we go to school. This attitude makes parents to speak up their concerns. School management call parents if child is not attending the extracurricular classes like drawing, painting etc as part of Kalamamdira (not mandatory as part of CBSE recommended curriculum) to find out the reasons.
I loved the culture taught in the school. No fancy uniform like Blazers, Ties etc. They ask all girl students to wear Ribbon (which my sister use to wear during her school days). I have watched prayer several times in this year. They allow students to perform in every day prayer. They allocate the day to all sections by rotation.
I liked school activities. They invite eminent scholars for special events. Eg: They have inviter Olympic swimmer for sports meet. They have invited Dr. Kasthuru Rangam for science day. Children require speeches from such eminent scholars to get motivated.
Buses are not crowded. It was the case during June. Later they bought new busses and now children can sit freely. They operate busses for all events that are organized outside school premises or late hours.
Over all this school is pretty good in the Mathahalli area.