One year ago, my brothor bring vguard induction cooktop with price 2730 ( Model: vic 20 , Color: black and white ) . The power consumption is 2000 watt.
In my personal experiance, I say that it is a very bad induction cooktop. At the time of buying, Shop staff say that it is a very good induction cooktop. Many options are available. It has low price and it is a best company in the contry. My brotho satisfied her talking and bring it.
At the firt month of using, it worked perfectly. After the first month many problems are occure. At the time of frying, high sound and noisy gas are emitted. Then I off this induction cooktop. After some time, I swiched on, an error is occured like E6, E5. Now, only boiling process can be worked. All other functions are not worked.
This is a my personal experiance about this induction cooktop.