Upkar Developers - Bangalore Image

No development at all

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No development at all
May 12, 2020 02:50 AM 5034 views

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I have purchased 2 sites in Upkar Habitat layout from Upkar Developers. Whenever I am coming to India and visiting the layout to see my plots, I found no development work and looks like a jungle. I frustrated by following up with the builder and their false promises. Few people moved there and lots of frustration, horrible situation, basic amenities are missing like Water.

Forgot to start the construction of house in this jungle, even I am struggling to sell due to no appreciation even after 3 years because of in-completion project work by the builder. Think many times before investing your hard-earned money into this scrap project. Also, I found google review of this layout that ‘’The release letter given by the builder and the BMRDA are not matching, there are some issue made on the approval letter. The builder has only GPA for few of the Survey nos. without that they are selling the plots which is not a valid sale deed. Also, they have encroached the civic amenities area and sold as plots’’. BE AWARE OF THIS CHEATER BUILDERS.

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