Dec 09, 2015 03:38 PM
I have a savings account with Union Bank that went dormant because of no transaction for six months. I visited the Jaya Cinema Laketown branch to renew the account, and was directed to a service window. Joined the queue there and waited for my turn. Seemed like that was the only operational window and rest of the window were unmanned.
On reaching the window, the guy told me that I had to submit a written application. I asked for a A4 and he said that he doesnt have any and the bank does not give out papers. I went out, bought a notebook and pen, and tore a page and wrote and submitted the application. I was asked to visit after a week.
After a week I checked and my account was still not activated. I visited the branch and inquired again. I was informed that my KYC needs to be updated(I did update it the previous year) and I have to resubmit my proofs. I submitted the KYC form the same day along with the proofs and was asked to visit after four days.
I visited the branch again after 4 days, and saw that my account was still not working. I was informed that the earlier application of making my account active was rejected as KYC was not done then. Now that KYC has been updated, I have to make a fresh written application to get my account working again.
It then dawned upon me that a bank such as this that treats its customers as a liability, is not a good establishment to do business with. I walked out of the branch never to return again.
Verdict: Don't go for it!