Aug 29, 2018 01:30 AM
Under the egg by Laura Marx Fitzgerald makes a strong debut it`s gusty and ambitious turns
coming to the story when theodora, s grand father jack was alive the family was not so rich but, atleast they got by preety well on his salary.but time always wont be the same, suddenly after jack, s death the position of the family started downslide.they knew that there is no more person earning for the money.they were all incapable
but their is amystery for the heart of the book,
LUARA has given a great mysterious life to the story
suddenly theo found a picture while he is drinking alcohol
the mystery thing in the story is a pair of twelve year old, s puts their efforts to find out paintings origin
AS far of the writing itself I grew very fond of it
this is suitable for 9 to 12 year children
I enjoyed it