Jan 24, 2018 12:17 PM
Hello Friends, Today I want to share My Bad Experience of UCO Bank. I have a 1-Year-old account with this bank. But the service provided by them is way below average. they never fulfill my banking requirements at a time. Let me tell you that there is not any rush on the branch but still an employee of the bank delays work process and make a customer wait for a long time without any specific reason. when a customer gets angry they give the old-school excuse that server is busy or down & connectivity broken etc.
Internet banking software is old fashion. it takes very long time to load. I fount HDFC bank Netbanking more useful then UCO Bank Online Banking services. Plus you can't expect any helpful solution from Customer services. they always ask to visit the nearest bank for a better solution. I mean how childish this answer is. what is the benefit of net banking if every little quire needed to be solved at the bank. My Issue with the bank
I have Debit card with this bank A/c. I applied to canceled the card via a physical application. they told me that my card will be canceled within 15 days. but when I checked my balance it deducted ATM debit card annual charges. I made a complaint about this irregularity but a bank official said that your card wasn't blocked at the annual charge exact timing. now I can't understand why these guys robbing 100 and 150 rs charges by this tricks. it is worthless keeping an account with this bank. I am going to shutting down my Saving Account soon. I don't recommend anyone to open an account with UCO Bank. My opinion on this bank is Not positive. Sorry.