Jan 11, 2019 09:37 AM
I have been using this app since 4 to 5 years and it has never failed. The best part which I like about uber is the accurate pricing schema. where the current calculated price does not vary at the end. It changes only when a waiting time is encountered, Other than that I have never faced any price issues. best thing about uber is that the drivers are very polite and does not take any risks while driving. Would love to recommend to the ones who are not using.
Talking specifically about X I had booked a uber from airport to chunabatthi. there I a specific desk to help travelers book a uber from our login ID which was amazing. Tchere is a specific location where uber drives are parked and comes around very fast. after booking the car arrived within 2 minutes. the driver himself helped us put our luggage back to its place.
love the app and service and will keep on using and recommending.