Apr 24, 2018 11:51 AM
Hi friends ,today I am going to say you about the author of The two gentlemen of verona.
The story that is written is not so good but it look like a moler value.
The A.J.CRonin was Bron on 1896 and he died on 1974.
Has is was a doctor by training.
He practised medicine in Wales and in Landon.
It was while recovering from a breakdown in health that he wrote his first novel Hatter Castle.
It was a huge success .Cronin gave up practising medicine and took to writing as a career.
He wrote a number of novelsband short stories.
Among his best know novel are the citadel, the key of the kingdom ,and the Spanish gaelrdener.
In this story the boys sacrifice, their sincerity and devotion to the cause and the maturity they display in there action give s