Dec 14, 2017 12:02 PM
TVS Wego was considered as the most significant bike when it was released but it had competition. At that times to become stable in market it was difficult but as we say IF YOU ARE BEST NO ONE CAN STOP YOU. After using this bike for almost an year I never had any complaints from bike or from TVS service. They are best and WEGO is the best. Best Mileage bike in the range. Best bike for cities with traffic and you can use these bikes for a long journey as well. Talking about comfort, rider is comfortable but if anyone is sitting with the rider, he will be some what uncomfortable for a long ride as the backseat is wide. A 100 out of 100 for reliability. Road grip is fantastic with self balance technology it gives more ease to ride. Outer appeal is great. I have watched every model of this bike and I have found that the looks this bike have are simply amazing. I am in love with this bike.