Hi friends I want to share about truebil.com it is one of the website used to buy automobiles they does not give any information properly and the website is it fast it takes long time to load for a such a particular page and some of the images of the cars and bikes have been not accurate and I does not trust this website properly because of its behaviour among customers and the top of the menu bar contains customer service if any proper negligence occured by them they are not reachable you can view any information among buying and selling some of the images which are displayed was not accurate and I really fake not among all are fake some of them are real
the customer service which are not able to available any response I want to share they does not reply to any of the customers
request more time to load the page because most of the service which are not able to receive and load the proper to the particular site
it is not user friendly because of not trustable it is not suggest this site anymore.