Mar 10, 2016 05:51 PM
Totoodo is a bloody cheat. There are two buggers who sit in Thippesandra service centre, who are just rogues. Once they take the phone, they will play with it and give it back in worst condition saying that they can't repair. Many of my friends have lost mobile phones with them. You give your phone to them, 90% chance that it's gone.BEWARE guys.
What they do:
Without checking they will give you an estimate.
They'll say the repair will be done in 3 hrs.
Then you call them or visit them, they sit there like rouges and don't answer.
Then they will say come after 3 hrs.
This will be repeated for many days!
Finally after a week, they will say they weren't able to repair!
Then give you damaged phone. Completely useless
They will have stolen all the important parts.