Sep 29, 2016 03:27 PM
fake or real
I also bought a hand bag but after some day it start loosing its color . Then some body told me that it is fake . so not to become fool there are tips given blow
There are many ways to distinguish between an authentic designer bag from a replica.
Best way to spot a fake and a real designer bag is the guarantee card that you get with the original bag. This guarantee card helps you to resell your bag, hence making it an investment rather than being a liability
High-end bags will never come with a shield-shaped leather swatch hang tag. They will always come with the company's image attached to it.
The next important thing to look for is the stitching. Stitching on the fake bag is sloppy and not really straight.
if you find any of the above tips in any of bag don't buy it, it must be fake