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Playschool - A Second Home To Children
Jan 06, 2017 05:36 PM 3013 Views
(Updated Jan 18, 2017 11:06 PM)

You can see playschools in almost every area of the city, the main reason for this being the need for them. Of course, there is also a feeling among the public that education has become a commercial commodity as there is a lot of money to be made if you open a school.

Working parents are looking to send their toddlers to school when they are hardly 2 years+. This has become the order of the day as the parents feel safe and satisfied that their children are being taken care of when they are away at work.

Opening a playschool is not a very complicated process but maintaining its quality is. First and foremost, the selection of teachers to these playschools should be made stricter and only the best teachers be chosen to teach the little ones.

‘Catch them young’ is a popular saying, so whatever you teach the children at a very young age sticks with them. So, teachers should be excellent in their communication and attitude. This is very important because children learn from examples. They watch their elders behaving in a particular way and imitate them.

Recently, a young friend of mine was selected as a teacher in a popular playschool and she was ecstatic about her appointment. I was really surprised because she did not have the ability to communicate in English.

English being the most sought-after language today(particularly in cosmopolitan areas where you have children from different language-speaking backgrounds attend school), how could she ever train the children well? This was a question that popped up in my mind when she conveyed the news to me.

This gave me the impression that schools are cashing in on the situation that involves rich parents looking to leave their children in the best playschools and teachers who would settle for a low salary as they are not fully qualified for the job. This way the schools make a lot of money but sadly do not meet their goal of moulding the children into better individuals.

Of course, after a few months, my friend was fired, probably due to some complaint from parents. So, communicating in the English language is a major criterion for selection of teachers in playschools. Teachers should also be kind, creative and sensitive to the needs of the little ones. School should be a place that encourages and motivates a child. We should respect their needs, understand their feelings of natural curiosity and mould them into responsible future citizens of our nation. A child should long to go to school every day; then you could say that it is a good school.

I do see a lot of children today going to school happily without throwing tantrums; this means that s/he enjoys going to school as there are lot of fun things taught there. Usually, the first thing that a child going to a playschool does as soon as s/he enters the school is enjoy a play session in the open ground.

This surely helps the child develop a sense of well-being and confidence. It helps the child grow both physically and mentally. Team spirit is inculcated in children at a very young age. Even after the play session, only the children who want to study are taken to a classroom where they are taught the alphabets and numbers.

I remember vividly my daughter’s playschool days(she is twenty years old now!) when children used to play out in the open all day long when a few children like my daughter went to a classroom to read and write. This was in her first year at playschool.

Overall, I think, with the selection of good teachers and with all the accessories in place, a playschool could be a real haven for our toddlers and make them the best individuals.


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