Wolf of wall Street is a movie directed by the famous director Martin Scorsese . Leonardo DiCaprio acted as Jordan Belfort who was founder and director of stock broking firm .
The plot of the movie is about Jordan and his life in the stock market . He started as a broker in wall Street then after the big crash .he moved to a start up company where they sells penny stocks tobthe customers . Then he moves on to make his own stock broking firm and became financially successful . As always Martin Scorsese has come up with a funtastic script with lot of great moments . Plot twists and humour scenes . There are many scenes of drug useage and overdose with lood tablets . It is a great movie to watch for entrepreneurs and the ones that work in stock market . Mathew mc genothy has also an important gust role in the movie . There are also scenes that can help the people who are into sales . The important thing about the movie is how good the movie has mixed humour with everything. Leonardo DiCaprio has performed extremely well in the movie . Its a sad that he was nt awarded with oscar for best actor . It will always be a movie thats going to remembered by every movie lovers .It is my one of favourite movie . Its must see movie .