Jan 31, 2001 06:23 PM
(Updated Apr 16, 2002 03:03 PM)
Imagine at an early age, you see things moving around the house and some scary face like Exorcists tremulates(Trembles) you with those scary noise. Thats the experience which most kids face when they see a scary movie.
Now what is Sixth Sense all about.. '' Remember your Mom Saying..Drink the milk or Ghost will come''
Sixth Sense is definitely not that infact its much more than the childs fear. We human beings have always been running behind things of life like love, money, sex, life, but now humans want to see and feel death and also want to run behind it.
One thinks for sure: to watch this movie is to watch three rising stars who are bound to shine in the movie business for some time to come—and all three were recognized with Oscar nominations for their work. Writer/director M. Night Shyamalan is a brilliant young artist, whose meticulous attention to detail and careful control over his vision can be admired upon the first viewing, but not fully appreciated until later ones.