Mar 07, 2017 01:48 PM
This is a book about which was told to me by my acquaintance, first of all I did not believed about the concept and actually mocked at that person that there could not be such a thing(book), which can totally change your life for good.
The reason for it was that the kind of phase which I was going thru in my life and was not in a mindset to adapt and understand.
Now let me narrate something about the story for those who still have no read about and not aware about it this magnificent book.
IT teaches you:
One should be great full for each and every small tiny things of your daily life.
What ever you want to achieve just have the feeling of that you already have it now this is most difficult thing to do initially because generally when people start reading these kind of books they are on very low/different/negative energy phase. So my advise to all is that it is better to start with small wanna be desires you wan to achieve, and when you will achieve those small desires you can further aim for bigger ones, Reason for this is initially one cannot be on feeling of already owning that desire which he/she is yet to achieve.
Do not think anything negative or evil about someone because if you do for other first of all that evil feeling is in you and it will definitely do evil to you first.
4.IT(universe) says your wish is my command so always think/desire good because that will only be reflected back to you.