Jan 21, 2017 03:25 PM
Shane Black doing what he excels at the most and doing it at the very best: "The Nice Guys" is funny, smart, action packed, violent, irreverent, thrilling and entertaining all at the same time without ever having tonal shift problems, it molds so many elements into one cohesive package that will give you a blast at the cinema and won't alienate you even with the sudden appearance of a giant talking bug in a car.
What has to be addressed immediately is the fact that if there was ever a prize for best on-screen chemistry for 2016 the race is already over, Crowe and Gosling light up the frame with an overwhelming energy, this is something we haven't seen in quite some time. Their job might be overlooked and discounted by some, but this is nothing short of genius, the way in which these two actors bring to life this story is illuminating, their timing, their banter, their personal dynamic, it is all in the brilliant script,
we aren't even halfway done with the cast yet, everybody in this film not only is cast perfectly, but kills it. Kim Basinger's casting as a callback to "L.A. Confidential" is a great choice, but then getting into the more important characters: Matt Bomer is terrifying as the cold blooded killer and it is so important to be so if you want to give the audience catharsis when the final showdown happens.
there's still much to talk about: soundtrack, action and fight scenes, pace, cinematography, sound, all of these elements deserve a paragraph on their own.This movie is one of the funniest and has most thrilling rides of the year that I cannot wait to check out again in the theater with a bunch of friend.