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Carmel United States of America
You WILL want to make him mad!
Jun 22, 2008 03:47 AM 1743 Views





NOTE: This is the 2008 version (after numerous attemts to add this current film via Mouthpad, no luck).........

You might be one of the many that either grew up watching the **Incredible

Hulk Series or perhaps one of the few that watched Ang Lee's version ofThe

Hulk** and like me who was of both categories did not expect much and wondered

why even bother making another Hulk movie. The reason is simple: This

version was a true blockbuster and the 2+ hours that I was glued to my

seat, I was stuck to the edge the entire movie. Of course, it did not hurt one

bit to star my favorite actor, Edward Norton as* Dr. Bruce Banne*r,

the Hulk's alter ego.

Many would wonder why such an actor who is truly gifted and often seen in

non-main stream movies glean such a role. I am sure that there was some real

challenge in pulling off a "remake" of a perhaps "done"

movie. Exactly the reason he was perfect in a role that no one would have

thought of! Norton brings a great sense of depth but not too much to the ever

conflicted Dr. Banner as pursues his need to find the antidote for his

ailment-under serious stress and increase in heart pulse, he transforms into

the Incredible Hulk.

The movie begins with Dr. Banner in Brazil where he is a factory worker. He

accidentally cuts himself on the finger while working and a drop of his blood

gets into a bottle that is shipped to the United States. An old man drinks the

bottled drink from his refrigerator and the next thing the viewer knows, the US

Army is involved and hot on the trail in pursuit of the elusive Dr. Banner.

From there, you can well imagine the chain of events.

My favorite scenes were one: The chase

scene in the bottling factory in Brazil. I came to recognize that this was a

home to Dr. Banner in his humble day to day existence and when the bad guys

chase him, I felt sorry because the place was certainly demolished from the HULK,

bullets, equipment and bottles knocked over and total chaos. They might as well

have blown the place up, which would have also lent to a great special effect.

It was still just as thrilling. The second: The battle between the Hulk

and the Abomination, particularly the scene when Hulk pulls a

police car in half and uses the halves as weapons. The special effects were top

notch and above what I expected. The final battle could have been cliché but I

thought the action was superb!

What I did not expect was the outstanding direction by Louis Leferrier!

The great pans of Brazil, the Amazon and even New York were just Brilliant. He

captures a depth to each scene that I have not seen before. The great action,

coupled with brilliant special effects, were in tune with top notch Blockbuster


William Hurt as "The General" was really plausible and

much different than other roles that we would normally associate him with. *Tim

Roth*, as the "Super Soldier, " Blonsky is good but a bit

short of substance. The minute I see Tim Roth in any movie, I just know I can

expect a Mr. Nasty sort of character. In the Hulk, he starts off

as a good second in General Ross's army but in between his sort-of American

accent and the change from his being a rather good soldier to the Abomination,

there is little to the story and the viewer loses sympathy to the character. Of

all the details, this one was important but not a reason not to get engaged in

the film.

The character of Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), Dr. Banner's love was

also exceptional. Norton and Tyler have on screen chemistry and I truly felt

saddened when the two could not be together.

Not to give more away, suffice it to say that this movie is almost on par to **Iron

Man** and the genius of the creators. Not often do you hear me say that the

ending was "applausible" but when you see this film, and I highly

recommend you do, you will know what I mean! I literally clapped out loud and

felt totally satisfied, just as I had in Iron Man!


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The Hulk