Jul 23, 2008 11:23 PM
Three Cheers!
Take a bow.
Good Part:
Best performance by an actor in any role, big or small, has been delivered.
Sad Part: We will not be able to see any more of him.
Heath Ledger has indeed outdone himself and sundry in delivering what may well go on to become the benchmark in acting.
What Don Corleone is to Mob Bosses, THE JOKER will now be to villians. And this is no mean feat. Jack Nicholson is not a patch on this now gone lad. He is more psychopathihc, more sinister and indeed least guilt ridden of all the villains I have ever seen. And I was thrilled to see that. Call me a freak, but I had always wanted to see a man so unabashedly practice violence and not give a damm.
This man is not bad because of his past, though there is a hint of an undertone of that, he is bad because he wants it so. He kills because he enjoys it. Guns are not his choice of weapons because they kill to fast. He wants to enjoy the agony of the people he kills. And to quote the man himself, "He like this job." And thats that.
No justification, no comments. Some people are good. The Batman saves people. The Joker kills them. Nothing more, nothing less. He is not after the money. That is just the means to his ends. He is a man of simple needs. And he needs the city of Gotham to have a classic villain. Not some balooney mafia hobknob who wants to skim the cream at all costs to eat it himself.
The joker wants to be the king of menace, of gore, of grotesque and of pain. And yet he wants to see poeple smile. Now thats a little difficult when one's life is about to end. So what does he do? He slits their cheeks to make a permanent smile, the scars notwithstanding.
I can go on and on but time is at a little nit of a premium here.
The other cast is also very good but, Heath Ledger is so damm brilliant that everybody else just looks predestrian. I was a little let down by the story but thats me.
I also want to make an earnest request to the people all over the world. Please don't watch this movie by downloading it through various P2P networks. Believe me this one just has to be watched on the big screen.
One last comment - If Heath Ledger doesn't get an Oscar for this, then the Academy is not worth it anymore.