Feb 18, 2022 02:18 PM
Compound Interest is interest on interest and Compound effect is about how we control, master, shape our needs and desires by making choice, turning it to habit. In management jargon, a daily management tool, that is combined with consistency, positive action in the whatever we do. The process is laborious, tedious and at times boring making it hard. The book shares a framework to adopt compound effect by ACTION through right SMALL CHOICE, cultivating it to HABIT, Gaining MOMENTUM, INFLUENCES to keep inspired and ACCELERATE for success. The compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small choices.
• Radical Difference= Small smart choices+ Consistency+ Time
• Luck= Preparation+ Attitude+ Opportunity+ Action
• Goal= Choice+ Behaviour+ Habit+ Compounded.
The secret of success is found in our daily routine. According to research, it takes three hundred instances of positive reinforcement to turn a new habit into an unconscious practice – that’s almost a years daily practice!