Mar 02, 2020 12:47 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Mar 02, 2020 12:49 AM)
The last movie of Mr. Anubhav sinha';s which watched was Article -15. His quality is in the suttely with which his movie flows. Thappad too is a masterpiece. Many women did disagree with the stuborness of tapsee's character like my mom did. Proving that we are actually living in a world where men are considered superior sex. Where violence is considered casually if its not extreme. Sometimes it is also considered as expression of love and care. I too demand that right to express our love the similar way and because we are a weaker gender physically, a hammer must be allowed. Coming back to the movie, if you don't watch it ull be missing a gem of a experience. Watch it to believe me.