Jul 19, 2002 02:48 PM
(Updated Jul 19, 2002 02:52 PM)
So, now I will pen down ten best english movies according to me. Will try to put in as much details as possible, but if for some the name of the director etc etc is not put, please pardon me. The names are in no definite order and I basically love all of them.
1 Braveheart
Who doesn't love this masterpiece of a movie by Mel Gibson, beautifully crafted and a story line that flows straight, it engrosses you from the very first reel. The movie follows the exploits of William Wallace, the Scotish hero who fought for the independence of his people. The battle scenes the carnage were pretty original and felt authentic. The best scene, when wallace is about to be killed, when he shouts 'You can take my life but not my FREEDOM'. Great movie. Released in 1995 directly by Mel Gibson
2 The Matrix
I relly believe that this was the movie of the millenium, great special effects and a very original story line make it a visual treat. I mean, if you are in a dream, and if you never wake up, how do you know whether you are in the dream world or the real world. Is it a review am typing now??? Good cast including Reeves, Laurence Fishburne and was released in 1999.
3 2001 - A Space Oddesey
I consider the movie very special, I love it for no apparent reason. Directed by my favorite Stanley Kubrick and based on an story by Science Fiction Writer Arthur C. Clarke. Released ages ago, infact in 1968 I guess and still manages to grab your attention.
4 A River Runs Through It
I don't know how many of you have seen this flick. Its a beautiful family saga, following the lives of two brothers and it was so powerful that it stayed me for ever. Directed by Robert Redford and the cast includes Brad Pitt and Tom Skerrit Check it up if you have not seen it so far.
5 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
I must admit that I was a western fan, and I watched almost all the Client Eastwoods movies that fall into this genre. Probably, this one was the most enjoyable one of the whole lot. Who have not heard ''If you wanna shoot, shoot don't talk''!! Even some hindi hero has uttered the same sentence with the talk changed to laugh. Other cast includes Lee Van Cleef
6 Dances With Wolves
I mean, I can call it a western can't I. A great movie according to me, portreying the life of a wounded soldier John Dunbar who is played by a very good Kevin Costner, whose only friend for a long time is a Wolf called friendly wolf. Strong characters are the strenght of this wonderful movie
7 Forest Gump
Frankly speaking, I didn't understand much what this Robert Zemeckis movie starring Tom Hanks was trying to say, but feel that it was something important :-) Remember when he starts running and running and suddenly comes to a stop and says ''I'm tired now. I think I'm going home''. Great movie.
8 The Exorcist
I consider this one to be one of the most frightening movies of all time, it was made a year before I was born but even now it sends shivers down my spine. The reason why the movie is probably so good is cos it doesn't try very hard to frighten people, rather it justs tells a story.
I can't think of anything else that effected me as much these eight, so leaving the last 2 places for you decide, decide from
The Untouchables Starring Costner/Sean Connery
Schindler's List of Spielberg
A Clockwork Orange of Kubeirick
Pulp Fiction by Tarantino
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Which is a Johnny Depp/Di Caprio Starrer
Rain Man, Platoon and The Godfather
That's it folks, hope you enjoyed reading it as much I enjoyed compiling the list for you. Have a nice day and don't forget the comments..