May 26, 2010 08:21 PM
(Updated May 31, 2010 08:12 PM)
What is technology this only a technical expert can define with full details.
Technology means what has been improved , invented, created and solved by mankind is technology. Tech is a continuous process of change and improvement of any thing that mankind can see, feel or handle either through implements, gadgets etc.
High tech versus low tech.
Bullock cart is low tech and rocket is high tech. A villager who lives in a remote place where no modern tech has invaded feels the bullock cart is the most precious invention preserved by them and they enjoy it as much as we feel on a car. Necessity is mother of invention and one who is in technical field should select right people. It is the duty of mankind or government to cater to the needs of people according to their culture and economy, otherwise if you give car to a villager instead of water his life will be ruined.
Each invention has good and bad points.
Take for example before the tv channels there was just one channel for the whole country and it ran just for one or two hours a day and families used to mingle with each other and shared so many aspects of life, infact i can still remember relatives to strangers to neighbours used to just enter homes and spend time talking and consoling too.
Every invention distances .
Distance what ?
Technological progress makes each person to feel he is individual for himself and dependence on others get farther to farther.
Take for example mobile phone.
Person to person discussion or talk is considerd so obsolete this need a separate review, today two in a party table hardly talk to each other, they will be conversing in their respective mobile and it is just a chance togetherness and one may feel bored or even feel no more with this person. Modern man is visiting doctors and hospitals more than anytime.just fifty years back to today the number of hospitals have grown up hundreds of times, but there is queue for it, why.
Technology has caused man susceptible to weakness.