Nov 02, 2006 05:21 PM
(Updated Jan 30, 2007 04:34 PM)
Hi Sierra Lovers ....
first of all let me thank Mouth Shut for their service towards us, .bcos if we want to bye a car -wat we use to do ,Some will go for new and som 4 old ,bt in both the case we bye becos of som liking towards a particular brand or type .we dont kno any thing abt the problems , which will be hidden by the dealers or the brokers , THis can be sort out if u r a reader of MOUTH SHUT Where the owners of all most all the brands share their + and - abt thier vehicle . So pls read the owners review b4 buyng any brand .
ok its time to share my ideas about my Sierra......
First let me introduce myself I am an owner of a tata sierra which I bought som months back ,i hav allready written a review abt it. till now it serves me good , I am really satisfied with it . if I am free I use to spend my time with my sierra. Now I will give some tips about how to maintain ur car with som simple steps.. R U People Ready
First WE should give some importance to our vehicle ,then only it will serve us good .
B4 taking ur car for a drive jst follw these simple steps atleast ones in a week 1. check the level of coolent water , breakoil level, engine oil must be kept in maximum level .2 check the battery water once in every month. 3. allways keep a spare wheel with required tools .these are smal steps which every 1 cn do.
Love ur Car
u cn keep in touch with me IN my mail (