Jul 01, 2017 12:12 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jul 01, 2017 12:18 PM)
We can call safari is an real SUV but it is not affordable to every person. It has a high maitainance cost, high spare part prices. Company says it is a luxuary car thats why its maitainance is high. Safari hunger for suspension after every fiveteen thousand kimlometers, rest depends on thway you drive. If Your car drove single handed then it can run more. After 1 lakh kilometers safari starts attacking your pocket. Nodoubt safari is a superrb in running it is aa road king in its segment.
We can say it has street presence. One thing I like in safari it does't fall mileage even you run over 100km/hr. For long routes it is best option for me. Comfartable is unmatchqble in its segment. Engine is no doubt powerfull but not reliable not long time after 1 lakh kilometrrs it needs to be rebuild. Thats all I think one should never buy used safari it will be disasterous for onces pocket?