Jun 05, 2008 05:17 PM
I switch on the DD Podhigai channel a couple of days back and guess what ? It has disappeared. This is the typical reaction atleast 25 Tata Sky subscribers around my house underwent ! So much their understanding your customer preferences.
Lot of things went wrong here.
Breach of Contract: When we enter the South Jumbo pack, the channels are decided and we go for it based on what options you give. Deleting channels from the back door without even considering the customer feedback is absolutely immoral and illegal.
Feedback: They had deleted DD Podhigai and DD Sapthagiri on grounds of "Unpopularity". How did you guage unpopularity ? In Tamilnadu, why do we need channels like DD Bangla and DD Oriya. Can't you delete them instead; understanding that your transponder capacity is finite. Common Sense must prevail.
Consequences: Already, 5 friends of mine are switching to Dish TV especially after their FREE Set Top Box offer. You guys must consider what the market is doing. And here you are, deleting channels which are your customer favourites in Tamilnadu !
I talked to your customer care and they do not have a clue as to what is happening. I want the two channels back immediately with a strict commitment that you would not repeat such tactics again. Or a credit must be given in lieu of the channels deleted.