Jun 02, 2012 07:13 PM
I have a Photon+(High speed wireless broadband service). Recently, I have been facing the slow internet speed problem since I became photon+ customer. Internet speed is very slow, its around 0.2 Mbps to 0.4Mbps. Mostly, it is around 0.2 Mbps. I took the connection because, it was specified that speed will be up to
3.1Mbps but not even getting 10% of it. Even opening Google.com is taking time with this network.
I am getting this kind of service even after paying Rs 900/month. You can see my frustration by the length of this mail. I have raised complaint twice or thrice but complaints have been closed by
stating silly reasons.
The worst part is even I'm not able to connect to customer care by the numbers provided. They were asking to call from docomo number, which I don't have.