Jul 08, 2006 08:30 PM
According the dealer's technical person's statement , if the tie rod ( which connects the two front wheel segment ) is slightly hit by the bumps the front tyres will wear upto the steel wires with in 100 KM.
Yes , it happened within 10,000 Km and the front left tyre burst out.
we complained by 4000+ KM , when there was a slight over wear in the inner peri. of front wheels.
they cherged for the wheel alighnment & said it was perfect.
after 7000+ KMs the wear appeared again, at that time we were long away from CITY( 200Kms away ) , we planned to check while return on the same day .
on the way of return the front left burst out, but the steering was stable even @ 60 KM/Hr. ( thanks Telco ) , when we approached for this problem to the dealer , they revealed the truth about the tie rod .
So what is the reliability for 4 Lack+ worth CAR within a year period ( within 10K Kms).
previously we had Esteem ( a low Profile vehicle than Indica ) drove more than 50K + it never gave this kind of problems even with rough roads .
Atleast they should provide some kind of protection to protect this rod .
It could avoid this Rs6,000/- damage .