Apr 11, 2008 11:00 PM
This movie is a masterpiece. This is the sort of movie which gets made once in may be 50 years. I am a big fan of Amir Khan(the actor) but he has shown here what is the real potential of this extremely talanted individual.
Firstly, the technical aspects of this movie are superb. The camera work, the background musc, the acting, the screenplay(etc) everything is just superb. But what is most important is the theme of this movie and the way it has been handled. I am pretty certain there are not many directors in world right now, let alone India, who could have done such a splendid job as Amir has done in this movie.
This is a movie about a young boy Ishant Avasthi, only 9 years old who has an incredible talent for painting and artwork but is also suffering from Dyslexia. And then how his life goes about. The problems he faces and then how a great teacher comes along and figures out what is wrong with the young genius and how can these problems be fixed. And while fixing those problems he is also able to change the attitude of a few other teachers and then finally he is able to change the outlook of a whole school.
And what is even more superb is that during no point of time in story does the teacher(played by Amir) apologieses for the problems being faced by they young genius and begs for sympathy of the audience. He says that every child is special and must be treated in that way. Someway along the line, Amir is able to show the current trend, at least in Indian sub-urban societies - the tremendous pressure on young children to perform and outperform and during the course of which they fail to realize what their special qualities are. As they compete in this ruthlessly competitive world of school exams, board exams, competitive exams and other stuff - those talents die. What a shame!
Addressing the question of Dyslexia and how should the children sufferring from the problem should be handled, I think a bigger question is posed by the way of this movie. Dyslexia or no Dyslexia - to what extent can we pust and should push these young innocent souls? Every second day there used to be a story in The Times of India, when the board exams were going on until only a few weeks ago - about 15 -16 year old kids committing suicide because of the tremendous pressure. I am afraid and hope to God it does not happen, but I don't know what the newspapers would report when the results of the same exams come out.
This I guess, is a question that we all need to ask ourselves. Children are the future of this country - and what are we doing with them. And that includes children sufferring from various disorders. They are our children, they are a part of our society. Turning a back from our problems would not solve them, facing the problems and the most brutal facts requires a lot of courage and then solving those problems requires a lot of sensible and sensitive thinking. This is shown in a glorious and very gracefull way by Amir.
No amounts of words can explain what a masterpiece movie this is. It is one of those movies which would move you to tears before you even realize it. This is meaningfull cinema. This is the begining of a new era in Bollywood.
My congratulations to the whole team of "Taare Zameen Par". Go see it to realize what is the importance of this movie and its message.