Sun tv was one of the oldest entertaining channel.Once upon ot has many types of programs which entertain ua. But now a days the sun tv has became a worst channel.
The first thing I hate about this channel is tbe mega serials. The stories are also not interesting. All that they do is teaching cunningness and cruelty.
The sun tv has boring programs. But they have many advertisement breaks. That is unbearable. Highly irritating. Once they telecaster a new movie means, the 2 hours movie will run for more than 4 hours. In that they will cut the movie songs also.
More than everything, the reality programs they conduct are all copied from vijay tv. From jodi no 1, they copied and created sun dancer. From super singer, they created sun singer. Tjey quality of the program is also not good.
Please sun tv, try to be original and give better quality programs.