Dec 02, 2002 11:13 PM
(Updated Dec 05, 2002 06:39 PM)
I know a majority of us lead fast paced, hectic lives nowadays... but that is no excuse to stuff ourselves with grease and empty calories.
i dont want to sound like a party-pooper, but I can in no way recommend this burgers and fries on the fly kinda culture to anyone.
i believe that these fastfood companies have been misleading consumers from day one by not printing the nutritional values and contents clearly on every meal they serve and not only that, by also not mentioning how much of a person's daily recommended calorie intake does one supersized meal provide... the figures are horrendous.
it should be made mandatory that these so called fast food companies comply with the same set of rules that the tobacco industry is now being forced to observe.
label each product clearly and inform people of the health hazards and benefits (if any) of consuming their product.
and the very thought of introducing kids to this kind of a junkfood diet is in itself very very irresponsible of us as adults.
i am not saying that I havent had a fast food meal ever, but what I am saying is that I resist the temptation to have one... everytime now.
it is actually the convenience and ease of it all that entices us to keep coming back for these grease-laden quickies... but folks - we gotta collectively kick the habit !
peace... eat well and stay healthy :)