Jan 23, 2008 05:46 PM
(Updated Feb 21, 2008 11:05 AM)
The joy of running in the marathon Do you love to run? Like really run? Not when someone's -chasing- you- run, or mom- running- after- you- kinda run or your girlfriend- running- behind- you- kinda- run, but just a nice jog that livens you up, a lil jog that becomes a swift sprint and you see yourself dashing the wind and making way.it's beautiful to run, and yes I admit you need to be fit to feel that. For 3 years I have been giving myself that independence on the Standard Chartered Marathons, they were so splendid.
It gives you such a sense of independence that you seem to just enjoy your sprint keeping pace with your friends and smile as the crowd cheers you on. I have been running since childhood. From rules. I loved to run and hang out with friends, doing things that were marked as " Don't " I did them. Got caught. I was notoriety unleashed. Would like to call myself the'Dean Moriarty of-'On the Road', a freespirit.
The Standard Chartered Marathon is one hell of an experience with people from all walks of life participating, every year there's something interesting. From 10 year olds to 80 year olds, everyone, from every facet of society comes to participate in the marathon, where the Bombay hearts beat as one, and in this energy I find myself, the chaos surges within me. With voices urging you to go on, with faces smiling with pride and ladies from buildings by the sidewalks of Marine lines shouting "Go girl" while they sip on their tea, it's one big party.
Sometimes you get glimpses of celebrities, and Anil Ambani, he is one fit guy I know. Once in my 2rd year of the Dream run, which is for around 7 km, I and a friend spotted Ashutosh Gowarikar, and we found a way to talk to him, and congratulated him on his' Swades' one of the best films we had seen then.And he smiled like a saint, and said' Thank you'. It was indeed amazing. In my 3rd year of the run, I ended the marathon and headed straight to the Mcdonalds at VT with a cupla friends, and well what's the point of the marathon right! But you see, it's about the run, not burning calories.Well, many of us also run for charity. Now the marathon seems to have become more of a charitable event. But for me, besides supporting the NAB(National Association for the Blind) it is about that indominitable spirit, that just wants to feel liberated and carefree.
Over the 5 years, my companions have lost interest, but I continue to run, and find these friends running with their companies, I wonder, if they will ever understand the joy of the run, the joy of being free? On a lighter note; I have promised myself to go to the gym right after the marathon gets over on sunday, though I will be travelling in February finally! I have promised myself a healthy diet and less of Mcdonalds and Coke and More of exercise and Sahaja Yoga.
Whew! 2 more days to go! Wish me luck guys! Not for the marathon, for the fact that I live up to my resolution:p