Jul 12, 2021 08:57 PM
(Updated Jul 12, 2021 08:58 PM)
Hello everyone! My name is Lekha B and I completed my BE in Civil engineering from Sri Venkateshwara College.
Sri Venkateshwara College of engineering offers many courses in Engineering. Specifically speaking about Civil engineering, Professors in this department are so friendly with the students as a friends The professors always keep motivating and helping students to keep a positive environment for learning process.
The department has well equipped laboratories. The department has its own library which can be utilized by the students to the fullest.The College also has its own Incubation Centre "QRIDES", here the students from any department can come with innovative ideas and can work on it.
My journey in SVCE was very good and this experience is something which I will never forget in my life. I am a proud to be an Cilivian from SVCE.
Lekha B