Burglary happened in Spaze Privy, sector 93 Gurga

₹58.37 L - ₹1.1 Cr
Possession on: Mar 2018
Status: Ready to Move
Spaze Privvy The Address - Sector 93 - Gurgaon Image
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Burglary happened in Spaze Privy, sector 93 Gurga
Jul 11, 2019 11:53 PM 10274 views (via Android App)
(Updated Aug 20, 2019 09:18 AM)

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Yesterday I faced a very bad experience at my flat, where Burglar showed there skills by looting our belongings patiently.The incident was done on July 10, 2019 in between 7am to 5: 30pm when no body was at home. Robbers looted our gold which was there in the cubbured's locker. Main door was broken each and every cubbured's of the rooms were searched.There is a complete failure of security which is been provided for society. I am paying society maintenance which includes security charges as well. I filed the FIR on the same day. Please suggest what can be done in this case.

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