Aug 31, 2017 04:20 PM
Hello friends, I have used Soni Xperia E3 Dual it is good but not up to the mark so I am not so much satisfy with this Phone.I bought this phone only because the Brand name of Soni.
Looks wise it is good sslim phone with fast touch screen.The internal memory of this mobile is 4gb out of this 4gb 50-60% is covered from sony application and this is very big issue for me.
always I face storage issue suppose in one day 10-15 images comes on whatsup then I have to delete some images otherwise it can not accepted more images always I saw a message your storage is full delete some files. I cant download 4-5 application in this phone.
Rare Camera is good 5mega pixel but not best same as in front camera.
Only sound and touch of this phone is good. After using 1 year I face hanging problemes also in a day several times it got hang.As it is very average phone so it seems costly also.
I am not happy with Sony Xperia E3 Dual mobile phone and not suggest to any one to buy it.