Soframycin is a wonder for me, using since my childhood for any kind of cut, rash, burn or itching. It worked wonders. It is my go to medicinal cream when you have aged people as well as kids at home, while you are traveling, going for any sports activities, working in kitchen, doing any kind of harsh deep cleaning work at home etc. etc.
Soframycin is an antibiotic cream which is generally used for bacterial skin infections like burns, boils, wounds, ulcers etc.
It's main composition is Framycetin Sulphate and it should be applied only to the affected area.
REMEMBER, IT'S NOT A DAY OR NIGHT CREAM. It's a medicinal skin cream. Do consult doctor if any ki d of skin side effect o served after applying it.
Cost is approx.Rs.50 for a 30gm tube and easily available at all pharmacies. I will attach the pictures, you can see how it looks like.
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