₹82.37 L - ₹1.02 Cr
Possession on: Mar 2018
Status: Ready to Move
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Bunch of cheats!
Aug 24, 2018 03:30 AM 101721 views

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My father, a 60 year old man visited this property and liked at his first glance. The quotes were made and we agreed to pay 10% within the next 2 days. In the mean time, my dad had also given them a cheque of 1 Lakh as a token advance. Upon further investigation, we found that the property didn't have the required approvals and our legal team also suggested us to get everything cleared before going ahead with the purchase. When confronted with the approvals, The manager Mr. Prabhakar started hurling abuses at my dad and was not ready to give the show the list of approvals . Something looks really fishy!

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