Aug 19, 2016 09:48 PM
Order no. 14434373097 worth Rs. 30k is not getting picked up for return. It's been more than a week and a half, they are keeping on rescheduling the date but item never got got picked.
Customer care people are also not helpful. They are unable to commit on a date for pickup. They call regularly and say they are checking with logistics.
The website is also not customer friendly since it is not allowing to complain about the delay in pickup related to order refund.
Every day we are getting SMS saying that pickup will be done today but at the end of the day we get another SMS saying pickup was unsuccessful(without the reason mentioned).
The contact number+91 9711008888 in SMS is out of service which made contact with the logistics people difficult.
Yesterday, I had rescheduled for pickup from website. I had clearly told that I did not agree with the reason that the package was not ready to be picked up. In fact, I had kept it the way it was delivered.
But today I found that my return request has been closed saying we did not receive any response from you.